What is the Americas Chapter?
The Americas Chapter of Ecohealth International is comprised of researchers, learners, collaborators, early career individuals, educators, students, practitioners, scientists, traditional knowledge holders, and community partners spanning North America, Latin America, South America, and the Caribbean. Interested in connections at the nexus between health, ecosystems, and society, we work together across transdisciplinary spaces to better understand and promote the interdependent health and wellness of humans, animals, and ecosystems. We aim to bring communities together to strive for health and ecosystem sustainability, contend with intersecting and simultaneous eco-social challenges, and work towards a healthier, more sustainable, and equitable future. In doing so, we intend to deepen theoretical and applied knowledge, advocate for social and gender equity, increase the capacity of practitioners, researchers, and policy makers when responding to complex ecohealth challenges, and facilitate knowledge translation in ecosystem approaches to health.
Our Members
Partners of the Americas Chapter come from various Communities of Practice in Ecosystem Approaches to Health (CoPEH) including CoPEH-Canada (http://www.copeh-canada.org/en.html), EkoSanté (http://ekosante.org/), CoPEH-Lac, Environment and Community Health Observatory (ECHO) Network (https://www.echonetwork-reseauecho.ca/), and the Ecohealth Knowledge to Action Research Group (https://ecohealthkta.net/), among several others.
Invitation to Join Us!
Our partnerships in the Americas Chapter offers a platform to share local knowledges, presentations, as well as foster research collaborations and teaching partnerships in producing webinars, workshops, conference presentations, manuscripts, and books. If you are interested in joining us, please visit: https://www.ecohealthinternational.org/membership/ to become a member.
The Americas Chapter is also searching for Early Career individuals from the Americas to collaborate with other Early Career individuals from the Asia, Europe, Oceania, and Africa chapters and to support initiatives, engagement, and actions for Ecohealth International. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Maya Gislason at maya_gislason@sfu.ca.
CoPEH-Canada Ecosystem Approaches to Health Teaching Resources: http://www.copeh-canada.org/en/teaching-manual.html
Dr. Maya Gislason – Ecological Feminist Approaches: Understanding Cultural Transformation/Evolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voDg1d0Yjtw&feature=emb_logo
The EkoSanté course: http://ekosante.org/ekosante-course/
Public Health Association of BC Public Health Summer Institute 2020 (Think Globally, Act Locally: Public Health and the Anthropocene) Videos: https://phabc.org/presentation/public-health-summer-institute-2020/
SFU Planetary Health Research Group Webinars: https://www.meethere.org/conferences/learning-for-planetary-health